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Real-Time Caller ID Reputation Monitoring

Decrease Spam Likely and Call Blocking with Real-Time Caller ID Reputation Monitoring

By subscribing to our Real-Time Caller ID Reputation Monitoring service, we use proprietary methodology, third party data sources, and real intelligence to identify when a Caller ID Number goes bad.  What do we mean by ‘goes bad’?   A number that is labeled as Spam Likely, Telemarketer, or Fraud Call is identified as a bad number by our system.   Also, if a number has an answer rate that is statistically lower than your other assigned numbers, we will review the number to identify if it should be classified as bad or augmented. Visit our blog to learn how to check your Caller ID Reputation. Or, you can use our Caller ID Testing Tool to get real-time Spam Scores


In addition to detailed reports from our team of analysts, you will also receive recommendations for replacing bad numbers.  The replacements in some cases can even be automated for your convenience.

Monitoring Caller ID Reputation
Using proprietary methodology and third party data sources, each QVD Caller ID number is continuously monitored for potential blocking or labeling across the U.S. carrier network.
Professional Analysis and Recommendations
Our team of telecom analysts mines millions of datapoints each day to identify ways to utilize Caller ID numbers, outbound call attempt strategies and more. The primary goal is to provide expert recommendations to each client, resulting in a sustained good answer rate.
Decrease Spam Likely
With proprietary methodology and real-time monitoring, QVD guarantees a decrease in calls resulting in a Spam Likely label on the major carriers’ handsets.
Decrease Call Blocking
Carriers block calls that they believe are unwanted calls. The more services you buy from QVD, you will realize a decrease in calls blocked by the major carriers.
Automated Replacement of Bad Numbers
For convenience, if requested, our team of experts will automatically replace bad numbers as they are detected.
15 Years Experience
The team at QVD has been in the telecom industry, supporting call centers and other high volume outbound call users for more than 15 years. We know how to increase answer rate.

What happens if an important phone number is incorrectly labeled?

If a phone number is important to your business and it is mislabeled, we can help.  We call it our Remediation Service.


For example, maybe you are told by a customer or prospect that your primary business phone number is coming up on their device as ‘spam likely’.  We call this a negative reputation label.  Our team of experts will lead a remediation effort to change how a phone number is labeled in the telecom network across the U.S.   As a SHAKEN Service Provider, we have direct relationships with the Certificate Authority as well as major carriers and analytic providers.  Let us help you solve your most complex blocking and labeling challenges today.


Let us discuss your specific, unique needs with you today.  Click here to schedule a call with Steve Eveland, VP of Sales.

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Years of Experience
Billion Calls Processed
Awards Winning
(%) Increase in Answer Rates
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