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What We Offer

Outbound call centers trust QVD as their outbound telecom service provider for trusted calling and trusted caller status


Our robust SHAKEN compliant suite of solutions combines the highest level of Caller ID authentication with real-time Monitoring & Remediation; ensuring your calls are not blocked or labeled as spam because you are a trusted caller. Utilizing our curated Caller IDs and direct SHAKEN SIP termination routes ensures delivery of your A Attestation tokens to the carriers that matter.


We maintain a robust inventory of telephone numbers in every market that are vetted in real-time against a leading authentication hub, so they're not blocked/labeled as spam.
More information about QVD Local Caller ID Numbers


As an authorized SHAKEN Service Provider Company, QVD terminates directly to other SHAKEN carriers, digitally signing & delivering your calls with full attestation.
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Real-Time Monitoring

We monitor – in real time – how your calls appear on all major wireless handsets; gaining immediate insight into when your Caller ID number(s) are mislabeled or potentially blocked.
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Instant Remediation

In the event of a mislabel or potential blocked decision, we will remediate the situation in real-time, defending how your calls appear on over 50% of the wireless handsets in the USA.
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Industry-Leading Authentication

We register, store & monitor our customers against the industry’s leading authentication hub, that relies on real-time network data for over 1BN daily call events across more than 400 carriers.
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TrustedCaller™ Program

As a TrustedCaller™, we can digitally sign & deliver your calls with the highest-level attestation designated by the STIR/SHAKEN framework, known as “Full” or “A” Attestation.
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We provide Caller ID monitoring and remediation for every Caller ID number we assign to you.  We monitor – in real time – how your calls appear on all major wireless handsets. We provide instant remediation to defend how your calls appear on over 80% of the wireless handsets in the USA.

How It Works

Our telephone numbers are registered & stored in a leading authentication hub that relies on real-time network data for over 1 billion daily call events across more than 400 carriers

Why It Works

Using the same authentication hub, we monitor your numbers in real-time; gaining immediate insight into when your Caller ID number(s) are mislabeled or potentially blocked

What You Get

As a result, we can remediate a potential block or mislabel decision in real-time on over 50% of the wireless handsets in USA; on the balance of handsets, we implement call strategies that work

Interested? Get In Touch

Get the tools you need to maximize answer rates, protection your reputation and successfully execute
outbound calling campaigns with Trusted Call Completion® – on average our customers have seen a 48% increase in answer rates.


TrustedCaller™ Program

To participate in Trusted Call Completion®, your organization must be a registered member of our TrustedCaller™ program.

Being a TrustedCaller™ allows us to introduce your organization to the telephony ecosystem as a Legitimate Caller
As part of this process, we will require you to complete a third-party verification process, which essentially validates your organization as legitimate and affirms your intentions align with the overall spirit of the TRACED ACT & STIR/SHAKEN Framework
Want to learn more? Request a free quote or call us directly (888) 656-5111. We'd love to hear from you.