Protect your phone reputation
As an authorized SHAKEN Service Provider, we deliver calls directly to the carriers that matter, so your calls are signed & delivered with full SHAKEN Attestation.
More outbound call teams recommend using our Trusted Call Completion suite of products to get their calls answered.
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QVD is a CTIA Branded Calling ID™ Authorized Partner for BCID™ services.
Branded Calling ID (BCID)™ is changing the outbound calling landscape in a massive way. It might just be the biggest change to the industry since STIR/SHAKEN was first introduced.
With Reputation - Based Telecom
Powered by

100+ Awards, Multiple Patents, Billions of Calls Processed.
Only a phone company can impact the delivery of your calls.
Managing Call Delivery & Analytics from the moment you pick up your headset.

100+ Awards Won.
Billions Of Calls Processed.
Trusted Call Completion®️
Robust SHAKEN compliant suite of solutions combines the highest level of Caller ID authentication with real-time Monitoring & Remediation; ensuring your calls are not blocked or labeled as spam.
Utilizing our curated Caller IDs and direct SHAKEN SIP termination routes ensure delivery of your
A Attestation tokens to the carriers that matter.
Branded Calling ID™
With over 4 billion robocalls being made each month, answer rates are on the decline. As an authorized CTIA Branded Calling™ Partner we provide your prospects with the information they need to have confidence when answering your calls.
Advanced Analytics
Sophisticated suite of analytic tools used to understand dialing performance down to the region, number, and destination carrier.




Quality Voice & Data was founded by Dean & Angela Garfinkel. Dean & Angela have a combined 60+ years of experience in the Telecommunication and Call Center industry.They hold multiple telecommunication patents, have held seats on national telemarketing associates, and have designed online courses for the Direct Marketing Association.


Increase Your Answer Rates
By 48%+
In a hurry? give us call @ 1-888-656-5111
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Get your free SHAKEN test!
Chances are, your carrier isn’t delivering SHAKEN A-Attestation tokens with your calls. When that happens, your calls are more likely to be marked ‘spam likely.’
Run a free, no obligation SHAKEN test to determine whether they are signed and delivered.
Learn how to get your free SHAKEN test