Major BPO Doubles Dial Conversions With Trusted Call Completion®
August 23, 2024 / Written by Angela Garfinkel

We help our clients overcome some of the most challenging obstacles in outbound call delivery. Obstacles like “showing up as spam likely” or “failures to ring through” can reduce answer rates by over 95%. Most recently, we helped a major business process outsourcing (BPO) company serving a Fortune 100 healthcare client more than doubled their Dial Conversions by switching to Quality Voice & Data and utilizing our Trusted Call Completion® product suite.

The client ran a rigorous controlled experiment over four months comparing the performance of QVD’s entire Trusted Call Completion® suite vs. their existing carrier. The findings? We more than doubled the clients dial conversions & improved answer rates by over 80% compared to the control group that utilized their existing carrier.

To learn more about our Trusted Call Completion Product, contact our team.

The Challenge

This client faced a critical issue: connecting with their leads. This was becoming increasingly difficult and impacting key performance metrics like connect rates and conversion rates. With 400,000+ employees and an expansive operation, the client needed a better solution to get their calls delivered & KPIs back on track.

The Test

We implemented the full suite of QVD's Trusted Call Completion® (TCC) services, including our advanced Tableau reporting to track and analyze performance in real-time.

Over four months, they conducted an A/B testing alongside their current provider, comparing the results from our TCC solutions against one of the top major telecom carriers. This rigorous testing environment allowed us to isolate the impact of our solutions and measure the impact from our TCC solution.

The Results

Across all key metrics, QVD’s Trusted Call Completion® (TCC) solution out delivered the control by double and triple digits. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Connect Rate: An impressive 89% increase, meaning more calls were being answered by real people.
  • Dial Conversion: More than doubled, with a 107% uplift.

In total, the metrics showed a considerable uplift compared to the control group, validating the effectiveness of the TCC solution.

What’s This Mean To The Bottom Line?

SAVINGS: +$930k each month.

Using industry KPI benchmarks for call centers and outbound sales, these improvements can lead to over $930k/month in business value for every 100 full-time agents employed.

  • -$48k in additional agent talk time, vs idle time waiting for a connect
  • -$83k savings with more fully utilized lead lists
  • +$800k in additional sales revenues gained in through additional conversions.

What is Trusted Call Completion

Trusted Call Completion is a service provided by QVD that ensures outbound call centers can reliably connect with their customers without their calls being blocked or mislabeled as spam. This service is critical in maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of outbound communications. The foundation of Trusted Call Completion is QVD’s compliance with the SHAKEN/STIR framework, which authenticates Caller ID information, ensuring that calls are recognized as legitimate by carriers and not flagged as spam.

QVD’s Trusted Call Completion service leverages a combination of advanced technologies, including real-time monitoring, remediation, and Caller ID authentication. The service uses curated Caller IDs and direct SHAKEN SIP termination routes to deliver calls with full attestation, which signifies the highest level of trust. This process involves registering, storing, and monitoring Caller ID numbers against an industry-leading authentication hub that handles over a billion daily call events across more than 400 carriers. This constant monitoring allows QVD to quickly detect and address any issues related to call mislabeling or blocking, ensuring that calls maintain their trusted status.

In the event that a call is mislabeled or potentially blocked, QVD provides instant remediation, defending how the calls appear on the majority of wireless handsets in the USA. This real-time response helps ensure that outbound calls are successfully completed, even in challenging scenarios. Through its TrustedCaller™ Program, QVD offers a robust solution that not only protects the reputation of the call center but also enhances the likelihood of successful customer interactions, ultimately improving business outcomes for its clients.

 Conclusion & Next Steps

Our Trusted Call Completion® service is built to enhance your outbound calling effectiveness by ensuring that your calls are accurately delivered without the risk of being mislabeled or blocked. This means more of your calls reach the right people, leading to better connection rates and stronger business results. If you're looking to improve your outbound call performance and drive meaningful results, we encourage you to get in touch with our team. Visit our contact page, and we'll guide you through how our solutions can be tailored to meet your needs.

Written by Angela Garfinkel

Angela Garfinkel, Director at Quality Voice and Data, brings over 30 years of experience in call center and business process outsourcing. Well known in the telemarketing and telecommunications industry, she co-authored a course for The Direct Marketing Association and actively participates in professional groups like PACE. Her educational background includes an MBA and an undergraduate degree in Telecommunications Management from the University of Nebraska.